Thursday, July 23, 2009

I survived.......

What a day. I decided to get to Target at 8am for the toy sale. Well I got there 10 minutes late and so glad I did from what I was told as I walked in. A gentleman reckoned he was bruised down his side from the swarm of ladies grabbing at boxes. It was rather busy but I did manage to get what I wanted. I found some really great bargins. Can't wait till Christmas to share them. By far the better than KMart and Big W's Toy Sale.

So if you are thinking of going to Target you will be safe in Bundaberg as the mad rush could be over. Happy Toy Shopping.........

And thank you to those that called yesterday regarding Sean and Jeannie. Yes they were related, they are Cameron's cousins. They left Bundaberg before Easter this year to travel around Australia. They weren't actually missing for 3 weeks they just hadn't been heard of. They were heading into the Flinders Ranges for only a couple of days and as they don't have an agenda they must have decided to stay longer. And as there was no mobile or internet service they were just oblivious to those who were getting rather worried. But they are all safe. Not the best way to get famous. LOL

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